Keep Australia Beautiful WA

We work towards litter prevention and reduction in Western Australia using community engagement, education, legislation and enforcement strategies.
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National Tidy Towns Awards

The National Tidy Towns Awards will be held in the heart of the outback from Friday 3-5 May, celebrating sustainability and community excellence.
News story

Litter Grant Round OPEN

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for initiatives that address litter. The grants provide financial assistance for action and education on litter prevention.

What we do

Keep Australia Beautiful Council (KABC) provides leadership in the field of litter prevention and reduction in Western Australia. Through community awareness and engagement, education, legislation and enforcement strategies, KABC works to change the attitudes and behaviours of the community and strives for a litter-free WA.

By offering a range of innovative programs and initiatives for individuals and community groups as well as schools, businesses, community groups and local government authorities, KABC hopes to inspire community action and positive environmental outcomes.

Ministerial reporting
